First online shopping experience: KeenaPrints stickers at Shopee
Posted on 24 February 2018
Hi all! (Warning: Long post ahead)

The busy bee has become buzier as the chaotic month of February entered! Today’s post has long been planned since January but the same excuse is given again - work is so demanding lately I also got sick again (I was also sick last December). Nevertheless, I still had time (and money lol) to spend for discovering things like what I will discuss today, which is online shopping!
To be honest, I’ve set my eyes on this shop years ago, ever since I started my creative planning journey. I’ve longed to have Keenaprints stickers but I’m so clueless about online shopping, money transfer, and shipping, that’s why I never tried to order from Keena before. My fate as a planner girl turned around when Keena opened her Shopee shop, which offers cash on delivery and free shipping, perfect for confused first timers like me!

I’ve settled to order my first batch of Keenaprints stickers for Christmas as a gift for myself but I wasn’t able to process it days before December 25 for we had events at my job. Lucky for me that Keena had a New Year sale for three days on Shopee, which opted me to finally order from her site. I was so happy! The stickers are really adorable and I find them difficult to use because I want to preserve them (lol).
Here’s my first batch of Keenaprints stickers:

But my #Keenaddict story did not stop from there. Haha! Since Keena also had another sale in January, I became tempted to buy more, which resulted to my next batch:

Batch three was a product of Shopee’s tempting promo (lower minimum amount for free shipping):

Before January ended, I scored another batch because of sale / Shopee promo:

I swore to myself that February will be my no spend month but I broke that again because Keena had another sale (oopsies sets, which are my favorite!):

I’m so weak when it comes to stickers lately! My wallet is crying but my heart is happy (hahaha!) because not only I gained new tools for my creative planning hobby but also I met new friends and supportive planner sisters from the Keenaprints Philippines (KPPH) planner group. I became friends with the shop owner herself! This is why I love the planner community, especially in the Philippines. We don’t have competition and we love each other because we serve as encouragements for one another.
Now, here’s my online shopping experience (particularly in Shopee):
PROS of Shopee: Free shipping for 500 pesos minimum spend (when there are promos, free shipping minimum requirement can be as low as around 200 pesos), cash on delivery is available (for someone like me who has a lot of financial priorities, this is better!). Shopee has surprised me to have fun items at the lowest guaranteed price! Aside from Keenaprints, I ordered other non-stationery items and I love how secured this online marketplace is.
CONS of Shopee: THE COURIER. PERIOD. I mean, I have no major problems when it comes to waiting for my packages but I think it is normal for online shoppers to become really concerned with their purchase if it wasn’t delivered to them for more than a week already, regardless of the payment method. I’m not a fan of Black Arrow Express because they deliver too slow and the way they handle the items is really bad (the envelope of my fourth batch of KP stickers got bend!).
PROS of ordering from Keenaprints site: More sticker choices, premium matte stickers (waaaahhh!), fast shipping, easier transaction, lower peso conversion (haha).
CONS: I can’t think of any…? Lol. Maybe just because it doesn’t offer cash on delivery as a payment method that’s why I was hesitant to order before but other than that, I think the site is perfect.
I hope I enabled you to try out Keena’s stickers! Happy planning and welcome to the rabbit hole! *evil laugh*
Visit her blog here.